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Friday, October 28, 2011

Tribute to a Dear Friend

As I sit here, trying to fall asleep, but unable to, I wanted to do a tribute to a friend, a mentor and a great man. 

His name was Stephen Butters and if you saw him on the street, you'd think he was a normal person. But what people didn't know was that he was an Eagle Scout, a member of the Order of the Arrow and a man who knew more about politics and how to change the world than anyone else around. 

I first met "Butters" when I joined the Saturiwa Chapter of the Order of the Arrow. From the first time I met him, he saw something in me that made him approach me and demand (not ask) me to run for the position of Vice Chief 1. I, of course, could not say no. So I ran, and won. Being in the Chapter all of a month, I was now the second in command. 
But he did that for a reason. For if he hadn't forced me to run, I would have never gained the curiosity in elections I have today. I would never be actually considering a campaign for Florida House. 

But his influence on me didn't stop there. When I was Chief of the Saturiwa Chapter, I got a call one day. Butters told me to meet him at a selected location at this time. WHAT?!?! Okay, whatever you say're the boss. 
I showed up and got to have a nice conversation with, then, Senate Candidate Marco Rubio. After that conversation, I was utterly speechless and all that Butters said to me was "your welcome." 
I just got to speak to the man that I want to become someday...holy ****. But Butters would always remind me to keep my feet planted and my chin up, because no one will vote for a guy who has his head in the clouds or has no confidence. 

When I first moved back to Jacksonville, I called up Butters and asked him how I could connect with the Republican Party here. He was more than helpful in telling me how to contact former Senator Lemiex. He was always willing to not only tell you want you wanted to know, but then tell you a better idea, one that would ultimately be better in the long run.  

Stephen Butters was a man that affected a lot of people on this planet. He was a true Christian. A man that lived a great live and deserved to spend it a lot longer on the earth. BUT, God sends people down here to touch us and help mold us into the people that he wants us to become. It is for this reason that I cannot condemn God or curse Him. He sent Butters into my life to help me become the person I stand as today. 

Yes, he was young when he passed. He was 29. But for a 29 year old, he was something special. Always able to say those words that you longed to hear. Those comforting words at the right time. 

I have asked the family of Stephen Butters for permission for the Saturiwa Chapter of the Order of the Arrow to attend the funeral and perform the Presentation and Retiring of the Colors in dress uniform. I believe it is truly the least that we could do for someone who helped change the Chapter into what it is now. 

In Scouting, we are taught, then when hiking the trails, you are to leave a circled dot on a tree to notify people that you have gone home. Well today, a Brother, not only in Scouting, not only in Eagle, but in Christ, has gone home. Gone home to see his Father. I mark this for you Brother. 

Stephen Butters. The world will miss you. 

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