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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rare Opportunities

I was talking to a friend of mine today about something that is to remain a private conversation, and I told him that I had a rare opportunity by moving back to Jacksonville. This opportunity was to start over fresh and be a better man.
But this got me thinking. I used to think that the whole, me moving back here was the worst thing in the world, but I'm starting to realize that it is probably the best thing that I have done in 22 years of life. But, this got me thinking, why did God want to give me a second chance at life? I mean, heck, I had a pretty good one at the time.
Then I thought about it...I asked for it. On my 22nd birthday, I was thrown a surprise party, my first one. At the time, my fiance at the time and I were going through a rough patch. Struggling to just make each day better than the last one.
I was also struggling with myself as a person. I didn't like who I was.
I was reverting back to cussing all the time. Then I was reverting back to drinking all the time...specially when no one was looking.
On my 22nd birthday I asked God for a chance to remake myself as a person. Become something better. Something that He could be proud of.

Well, ladies and gentlemen. Be careful what you ask for. That's my suggestion to all y'all. Because sometimes, in order for you to be a better person, you have to fall flat on your face first. I did that...very well I might add.
But I'm finally getting things going towards starting over. I mean, I have a nice little job, that is helping me boost my bank account while I search for a career. I have an opportunity to become one of Florida's Finest and possibly farther, if I keep my nose clean.
But more importantly, I have the opportunity to take the things that I wanted to do for God and make them a reality. I wanted to be more into the word and right now I find myself finding things that I never would have found if it weren't for the people I'm surrounded by. From my buddy John who I go to the gym with, always telling me about how I should be thankful to God for helping me this far. To my friend Joel who is showing me and teaching me the bible, one Wednesday at a time. To my friend Gary, who is showing me what it's like to be a Christian, to the entire church just never letting me slip. It's awesome. I couldn't ask for anything better.

I know I brag a lot about this church, but that's because I love it so much. topic lol

But God will grant Second Chances. I know it's a little too early in the game to start calling this a second chance, but to is one.
The worst part is that I'm letting God do all the work. I'm not doing anything to change myself. I have left that department. This one is up to the big guy.

He will grant you that second chance as well if you need it. Or if you are me...your 5th chance. I'm never good enough to catch it the first time or the second. But God is willing to help you and he never turns his back on you.
There is a famous poem by Mary Stevenson that I love. It's called footprints in the sand, and it describes God's love to a tee.

       One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
             Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
                  In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
                       Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
                           other times there were one set of footprints.
                                  This bothered me because I noticed
                                that during the low periods of my life,
                             when I was suffering from
                         anguish, sorrow or defeat,
                     I could see only one set of footprints.
          So I said to the Lord,
      "You promised me Lord,
         that if I followed you,
             you would walk with me always.
                   But I have noticed that during
                          the most trying periods of my life
                                 there have only been one
                                       set of footprints in the sand.
                                           Why, when I needed you most,
                                          you have not been there for me?"
                                 The Lord replied,
                          "The times when you have
                  seen only one set of footprints,
          is when I carried you."
                                                   Mary Stevenson

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