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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Today I opened a book I was given as a birthday present. My friend Lynn gave me this book and I had opened it several times before, but since I moved to Jax, I kind of forgot about it and today I re-opened it. The name of the book is the Maxwell Daily Reader. It's all about how to be a better leader, one day at a time. But today's message was one that I needed to hear.
The title of the section today was "Let Failure point You towards Success." It was all about how to take the times you have failed yourself or failed others and learning from those moments and becoming better next time.
So on this day of Thanksgiving, I want to give thanks to every moment of my life. The good, the bad and the ugly. (in no particular order).

First off, I want to thank all my high school friends. Teaching me that I need to confident in myself before others can be confident in my abilities.

I'm thankful for my best friend Greg. A man who has stood by my side every moment of every day. Someone I know that if I need something, he's there.

I'm thankful for my friend Robb. For teaching me that music is the best release in the world. That no matter what problems you have in your life, picking up my horn and playing Morceau Symphonique is just wonderful.

I'm thankful for my sister Angela. A true, powerful woman. Someone who taught me (whether she knows it or not) to follow your dreams and your heart.

I'm thankful for my Brothers, Dean and Robert. Who indirectly taught me that you may hit a bump or two in your life, but everything turns out okay.

I'm thankful for all my friends at FCCJ. Teaching me how to be a college student. Teaching me how to pull an all nighter and how to get out and play a full concert afterwards.

I'm thankful for all my friends at FSU. Teaching me how to be a respectable college student. How to pull an all weekender (lol) and how to be a better friend and a better student.

I'm thankful for my best friend Lynn. A very Godly woman. She has taught me over the years that true friendship is always being there when you need the other.

I'm thankful for my friend and former minister Adam. Who taught me that through God, all is possible. For standing by me, even though I pushed him away many of times.

I'm thankful for my friend and mentor Dennis. A very very Godly man. A man who taught me the way to be a true Christian man and husband.

I'm thankful for the McDonalds. Nathan and Megan. For showing me that even though your young, you can still be a strong Christian.

I'm thankful for my ex-fiance' Samantha. I look back and even though it didn't end the way I wanted it to, she taught me how to be strong through tough times. That no matter what your past is, you can conquer it and become your own person. Thank you Sam.

I'm thankful for Meridian Woods. Every person there. They helped me realize that even though I thought I had a great life at the time, I needed to turn it over to God, because in reality I had nothing without him.

I'm thankful for my friend Amber. Who through her love has showed me that people care about me and that I need to be less selfish and return the favor sometimes.

I'm thankful for Jacksonville Beach Church of Christ. For being a great family. For being something that I can look forward to everyday. For challenging me to be a better man. For allowing me into their hearts and never letting go.  For putting up with my ego, my sense of humor and just me.

I'm thankful for Gary Southerland and Joel Dalrymple. Two men that have showed me that being a Christian isn't about being perfect. It's about being a follower of God. It's about turning everyday into a blessing and using it to the best of your abilities.

I'm thankful to live in the US. Where I can say anything I want and be free to say it. Where I can practice any religion I want and never be chastised for it. Where I can change my stars.

I'm thankful for my Parents. Wayne and Lynne. For always being there for me. For allowing me to come back home when things didn't turn out the way I had planned. For never losing faith that I was going to do something awesome. For being the most loving and caring parents I could have ever asked for.  For watching after me, even when I don't want them to, they still are there to make sure that each one of their children has someone to fall back on. I often joke that I'm adopted, but I'm glad I'm not. I have the sense of humor of my dad, the attitude of my mother, the good looks of my parents (added some of my own to the mix), the dang nose of my dad, the love of politics from both of them, and I got the love to help all in need in from them. I couldn't ask for any set of parents that’s better. I often give them a lot of grief and I know that they have had a lot of sleepless nights worrying about me and the direction of my life. But, it's my time to show them that I'm going to take all these missed opportunities and become something awesome.  My dad always reminds me that "you are a Brown." That's right. I am a Brown. I'm damn proud of being a Brown. I wouldn't ask for anything but being a Brown.

I'm thankful for the mistakes I have made in the past year. Some worse than others, some career ending, some relationship ending. Each one has showed me that I'm not untouchable. I'm not a man who gets everything and nothing is taken away. I also learned that you have to work to get what you want. You have to work hard to keep it as well. That you can't just expect everything to be handed to you for the rest of your life.
I screwed up and got forced out of the Navy. It was my fault and no one else's. I'm come to grips with that. But now I have to take that experience and turn it into something good.
I have an opportunity in front of me. An opportunity to become of Florida's Finest. I will NOT be making the same mistake twice.

I'm thankful for all the times I have had over the years. Both Good (standing on the field of a packed Florida State - Miami game) and Bad (learning that I was no longer in the Navy). But there is one more person that I have to thank.

I want to thank God. Thank you for second chances. Every time something bad happens, I have a habit of turning my back to God and blaming him for it. But now, I'm starting to realize that every failure is a blessing in disguise. That I shouldn't be blaming him for the bad, but thanking him for the opportunity to learn something new. I may turn my back to him, but he NEVER turns his back to me.

Thank you to everyone in my life. Every person makes an impact on your life. Whether a pebble or a boulder, they all change something about you.

Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless. 

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