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Monday, November 21, 2011

What is love?

First off, I just want to do a quick thank you to all my devoted readers. I have now hit over 700 readers since I started this blog in September. That is pretty awesome. Thank you all. 

Okay, now, take a second, prop your feet up, and get ready for a good readin...I'll wait while you get ready.

You done? Cool. Lets do this. 

So the dictionary defines love as a tender affection for another person. 
I have been to many of churches, some that I liked, and some that I can't even remember the names of them, that's how much of an impression they made on me. 
But for the first time I feel a genuine love from the people at this church. 
I missed church yesterday, for the first time since I've started going and I got several people that texted me to make sure I was okay. 
That is something special right there. 

This church is something else. I am probably the youngest member (not driven there by my parents) and yet I still feel like I'm part of the gang. 
I know for sure I am the youngest member of our young adults lifegroup, yet, when we hang outside of church, it's awesome. 

I know for sure that if something happens, I can call anyone and they will answer their phones. 

This isn't just because of the fact that they are all nice people (which is true), but it's because the spirit of the lord is moving through each and every one of them. 

I think I have grown more as a Christian in the short time I have been a member at JBCOC than I had at any other time. That's nothing against Meridian, it's just that at JB, it's challenging my knowledge of the bible. They are always quoting the bible and making me wonder more about it. I have read more than I ever have. 

But it's also because of the intellectual conversations that we have. I am forced to wrap my brain around the material more than I ever had. Learn where stuff came from, and how it became what it is now. It almost literally blows my mind. It's awesome. 

I love every church I have ever been to. I know that next time I'm in Tallahassee, I can go to Meridian Woods if I so want to. I also know that Dennis and all them up there have my back if I need anything. It's just that I love the growth that I have made here in Jacksonville. 

They say God puts you in places for a reason. I believe that he has put me here in order to challenge my knowledge of the bible and fill me with that want to learn more and live more like a Christian and more importantly like Jesus. 

I think the thing I love the most is what Jax Beach is challenging me to become...a better Christian. No one is forcing me by thumping me on the nose or anything, it's just that I see how great they are and it makes me want to be like them. 

I just want to take a second and thank everyone from Meridian Woods for bringing my attention to God. Also, thank you to Jax Beach for taking what I was and helping me expand on it. 

"No power in the sky or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:39.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Justin, I feel blessed to be a part of it, too. Derek and I have prayed and prayed for people like you. Our young adult group (maybe it's questionable whether we're still young, but I digress) was only made up of about four faithful people just a few years ago. God is so good. My beliefs are regularly challenged here, too. I missed church also but thankfully made it to Life Group. Apparently, we missed a doosie of a sermon. Gonna have to get the Cd. Anyway,know you ARE an important part of our family!
